Energy is in everything and everything is Energy!
Photo Credit: Henriette M. Driessens - blossoming cherry trees in spring
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Qi (pronounced as ‘tschi’) or life energy flows through all matters: human beings, animals, plants and even death matter. Think about a wooden table, which is of very dense energy; its molecules are packed closely together, and hardly let Qi flow through.
The Chinese character of Qi compiles of two words: damp (energy) and uncooked (matter). According to the Asian Literature, Qi warms, nourishes, stimulates and protects the spirit and body, organs and fluids in human beings and in nature.
When Qi gets blocked or is depleted, the body gets ill and mostly influences the mind negatively as well. To mention a few of the many important reasons for energy blockage or depletion:
Emotions, like fear, rage, worries, sadness, joy, either too little or too much, lead to imbalance in the mind
Nutrition, our life chemicals that nourish our cells and keep us in good shape
Changes of weather, where wind, heat, dryness, moisture, fire and cold (the 6 pathogens) play an important role in our body’s happiness
Environment and pollution
(Wrong) medication, chemicals that cause imbalance
Injury or scars i.e. by accidents or operations
Life style: stress, addictions of alcohol, drugs and other chemicals
Body & sports: too little movement activity, or too much body exercise
Who does not recognize the reasons for our lives to be uncomfortable and unbalanced? Well…the good thing is, you can do something about it!
You can change your energy level and change your life!
How? By working through the following daily practice. Even if you can do only a bit of these practices, you are on your way of stopping the depletion of energy and are de-blocking your body, mind and spirit! These day-by-day exercises will bring your energy back and extend your life in a healthy way.
1. Proper exercise (Yoga Asanas)
To enhance the flexibility of the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Yoga improves circulation, massages the internal organs and improves the organ function in general. A strong and flexible spine enhances the blood circulation and keeps the body young and powerful. Asana’s are also a mental exercise in concentration and meditation.
2. The correct way of breathing (Pranayama)
Breathing connects the body to its Solar Plexus, the inner battery with and enormous reservoir of energy. Breathing techniques sets this energy in motion and revitalises the body and the mind. When we constantly regulate our breath, we are able to store an extra amount of prana (life energy) and can use these energy reserves on a daily basis.
3. Timely relaxation (Savasana)
When we proper relax, we use our personal cooling system, in a most natural way to re-energise the body. Under constant stress, the body and mind can not perform the best way and relaxation help us to relieve the stress. To relax, balance and control the body and mind, we have to know how to use the body’s energy more efficient and that is why we need to relax regularly.
4. Fresh & healthy diet (preferably vegetarian)
Choosing fresh and natural foods with the most positive effects on the body and mind, as well as the fewest negative effects on the environment and other living creatures. And foremost: ‘eat to live and don not live to eat’. A combination of grains, pulses, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and dairy products are a healthy choice. And do not forget: the eye eats as well and carefully prepared food has very much a positive energy for our body, mind and soul.
5. Positive thinking (Vedanta) and Mediation (Dhyana)
In order to have a peace of mind, to be calm and focussed, it is advised to regularly meditate for mental strength, physical and spiritual well-being. Before being able to meditate appropriate, it is required to center the mind through concentration and positive thinking. Creative expression, like painting, sculpturing, dancing and making music, is also be a way of taking time off for yourself and connecting to the inner source of Qi (energy) that we all have available for free!
Personal auspicious timings
For your personal mediation, the Qi factory selected auspicious timings, in which your Broad Band connection to the Universe is at High Speed! The downloading of information and energy is at top level and will enhance your personal energy levels and willpower!
Click here! for our special offer on your personal auspicious timings to get you back on track! Don’t forget though, that your action is a must: without action, no success!
Wishing you happy Qi Planning!