Feng Shui & Activation for 2020
Photo Credit: Henriette M. Driessens - Portugese building syle
On February 4th, 2020, the Chinese Year changed to Geng Zi – Metal Rat year. This article describes the Qi that resides in Feng Shui (your living- and working environment) for the year 2020.
How to use the areas in your house with the most auspicious Qi energy in 2020?
Qi energy is just like Wi-Fi waves, in some areas you get better broadband reception and connectivity than in some other areas. During the 20-year, from 2004 till 2024, you are asked to spend more time in the areas where Stars 8, 9 and 1, as well as where 4 and 6 are located, to enjoy the auspicious Qi there.
Spend less, or even better, no time in the inauspicious sectors of your property.
For 2020, overlay the next square diagram over your house and remember for orientation: The North is at the bottom, and the South is at the top. East is on the left side and West is on the right side.
Graphic: Red sectors are auspicious and grey sectors less auspicious.
Auspicious areas in 2020 (red)
The auspicious areas, we urge you to use frequently, like working or sleeping or staying there, as it will support your specific endeavours in that area. Even when you are not in the area, have a radio or TV to play or a moving clock, so the energies are moved around and get in flow and make optimal use of the qualities of this years' stars!
North West: Star 8, is a wealth star, which is a cash flow star. This is your ultimate wealth area in 2020. Stay here a lot and preferably work in this area, or move around or pass this area frequently. Your reputation will be hugely improved and it will lead to new career opportunities, as well as wealth. Use earth element or stones in this area.
West: Star 9, is the secondary wealth star for investments. As a secondary wealth star, it indicates that when residing a lot in this area, investments and probably a promotion will be within reach this year. Use earth elements in this area to boost this luck.
North East: Star 1, represents noble people, wisdom, knowledge, connection. This area has a positive influence on wealth accumulation in 2019. Your broad band Wi-Fi connection for career advancement, academic pursuits, travel, social skills, relationships and even getting married, is at its best. Enjoy being in this area! Use earth objects or stones, or radio/tv in this area. As this is the Noble Man area, hang a picture of your favourite person or Guru here.
South West: Star 4, is an academic or scholastic star to acquire knowledge, skills, and talents. This star also promotes romance. In this area, your creative activities will be boosted with energy. Use this room as a study or for other intellectual-, artistic- and creative pursuits. If you would like to write a book, use this area to start off your writing. With a main door in this area, your success to find prospects and relationships for love will take off. Activate this area with water and/or be in this area for study!
South East: Star 6 represents authority, power, influence and ability to take action/execute. For encouragement of your professional endeavours, to receive recognition and to influence others, this is the area to be in with your office desk. A sleeping room or main door would be beneficial as well. Activate with water and/or be in this area as much as you can!
Inauspicious areas in 2020 (grey)
The inauspicious areas, we avoid, and preferably do not stay there at all, if possible. And we certainly do not dig in the earth, nail and/or renovate in these areas in 2020, especially not in the East. Keep the Qi in these areas quiet and do not disturb it.
Center – Star 7 - relates to robbery, theft, slanderous remarks and people, injury and hazards caused by fire and sharp objects. Star 7 is good for communication and speech, networking and the feeling of ‘togetherness’ . Remove all crystals, porcelain and metallic items from the centre of your home in 2020.
East – Star 5 is known as 5 Yellow is the most dangerous and negative of all the nine stars and areas. It relates to serious setbacks and repercussions such as bankruptcy, misfortune, disasters, catastrophes and even diseases. Use a lot of metal, like a wind chime or a lot of metal, bronze, copper, iron or brass objects in this area to relieve these negative influences.
North – Star 3 relates to misunderstandings, arguments, disputes, legal issues. To relieve most of the inauspicious energies, place a red object in this area, for instance a red carpet or lamp. Keep this area quiet, as much as possible.
South – Star 2 relates to sickness, illness, ailments and health-related problems. To relieve the inauspicious energies, place a lot of metal, bronze, copper, iron or brass objects in this area. Keep this area quiet, as much as possible
Other important areas to take into consideration: do not nail, dig or renovate in these areas in 2020!
And for the following: please notice the difference between 'area' and 'direction'.
East 1, 2 and 3 (Yellow 5): from 67,5 – 112,5 degrees on your compass: do not nail, dig or renovate in this area in 2020! Keep this whole area as quiet as possible. If, for any reason your neighbour starts to dig in the area in 2020, use the 'what if' section below!
South 1, 2 and 3 (Three Killings): do not awaken the energies in these areas reaching from 157,5 – 202,5 degrees on your compass. This means, do not nail, dig or renovate in this area in 2020! Keep this whole area as quiet as possible.
Year Breaker - Horse. part of the Three Killings, is the most effected the cardinal animal, which we name: the Year Breaker. It is great to sit with your nose towards this direction: so you can keep an eye on the Year Breaker ;-)!
Rat - North 2 (Grand Duke): do not face the direction of the Rat, between 352,5 and 7,5 degrees on your compass, as this can bring unexpected arguments and unsuccessful actions, nothing goes smooth. And do not disturb this area by digging, nailing or renovating in 2019! Sit with your back in this direction, and the energy of the Grand Duke is with you!
What if?
What if your neighbour suddenly, by accident starts to dig or renovate in the indicated areas of your property? This will influence you and your household: unless you use activation dates for the Noble Stars as described after.
Here is how to do the Activation!
• By making noise, use music, move furniture, open a window/door or nail in this area.
• Water: place a considerable water feature of minimum 20 litres, in this area for 14 days.
Here are the Dates for your Activation!
Fortune Virtue Star in West 2 – Rooster (262,5 – 277,5 degrees)
February 24, 2020 at 19.30 hrs - West 2 (not for Rabbit)
February 27, 2020 at 07.30 hrs – West 2 (not for Horse)
Fortune Virtue Star in sector West 2, is one of the prosperity stars. This star can remove (neutralize) all obstacles, blockages and hurdles and to convert negative things into positive ones. This energy indicates that there is always someone around, who will help with advice and action. Family, friends and colleagues are happy to help.
Sun Star in North East 1 – Ox (22,5 – 37,5 degrees)
March 9, 2020 at 13.30 hrs – North East 1 (not for Snake)
April 27, 2020 at 07.30 hrs – North East 1 (not for Horse)
Sun Star activation presents the high nobility to life. as one of the four noblemen stars. Opportunities to arise, especially in terms of increasing wealth or expansion in business and career.. Sun Star means support and assistance of, especially male mentors. And please do accept this help, as it means the much needed teamwork and exchange of knowledge for all partners.
Dragon Virtue Star in South West 1 - Goat (202,5 – 217,5 degrees)
March 21, 2020 at 07.30 hrs – South West 1 (not for Snake)
June 22, 2020 at 15.30 hrs – South West 1 (not for Tiger)
Dragon Virtue activation minimalizes the inauspicious energies. It opens doors and shows you the path of success and opportunities as well as good messages, breaks through barriers and fixes problems. In general: a good omen star for signing contracts, build wealth, bring noble (helpful people), prepare for travel, festive occasions.
Moon Star: as this star is located in sector Rabbit - East 2 in 2020, we do not activate as Rabbit is part of the Five Yellow in 2020!
Planning to renovate your house or business in 2020?
If you plan a renovation in your house, please contact me personally to calculate a special period to start your activities, depending on the position of your living- and/or working area.
San Cai
In the theory of San Cai meaning ‘Heaven’, ‘People’, ‘Earth’, and with this article on Feng Shui, we described the Earth Situation for 2020.
With using the auspicious areas of your property as well as with the proper activations, you already have corrected and improved 33,3% of your Qi Energy.
Subscribe to the four months free Qi planner with all important auspicious & activation dates here!
Wishing you a great Earth Activation in 2020!