2020: What is happening in our Universe?
Photo Credit: Henriette M. Driessens - Cherry Blossoms
When the Moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets,
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Who does not remember the lyrics of the famous Song ‘Aquarius’ by the 5th Dimension from the musical Hair? A rock-love musical about rebellion against the Vietnam war, the exploration of the Hippie culture, the use of drugs, the sexual revolution and many more. At that time, in the sixties, controversial subjects in society.
As many of you asked me, some out of wonder or surprise, some out of desperation or depression: ‘What is happening to the world?’ and ‘What can I do to keep up with all that is unfolding?’, I am not a Western astrologer, but with some research on the internet, here is the Western approach on this year’s events and the changes that are slowly, but surely arriving. And… there is some advice on what you can do to be prepared for the ‘new’!
The planet constellations that have been surrounding us for a while now, announce this change into the Age of Aquarius. Astronomers and astrologers indicate that the Age of Aquarius starts when the vernal equinox point moves out of the constellation Pisces into Aquarius. Roughly every 2150 years, this point moves into a new zodiac sign.
The ‘old’ Age of Pisces
After about 2000 years in the Age of Pisces, we say goodbye to its characteristics of hierarchy, power and duality (2 connected fish swimming in opposite direction), and oppositions: heart versus the mind, intellect versus intuition, trust versus doubt, money, power and control. It’s not something happening at a certain moment, rather, this elimination of the old and receiving the new, has been going on for quite some time (it is said for the last 50 years) and integrates slowly but surely in our daily lives.
The Great Transformation of Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto in 2020
What we do know, that in 2020 some significant constellations will take place, which could indicate a tectonic shift in political, financial and personal realms. Astrologers always look back to find the same constellations to tell us what happened on the world-stage before.
Jupiter is the amplifier and planet of optimism. Saturn rules justice, authority, structure as well as responsibility and as the pessimistic one, spreads doubt and fear. Pluto is the huge transformer planet which rules the masses and reveals everything that is in the darkness.
January 10 - 13, 2020
Saturn and Pluto, a foundation shaking cosmic event, in the sign of Capricorn: industrious and concerned with building the future, takes place about every 34 years.
Saturn rules over the bones of a human body: are we standing straight *(enough) to receive what is coming? Pluto is the planet of transformation and revelations, and talks about mind-consciousness, exorcizing. Compare the same event in the same degree in 1982. These two planets represent structural changes in our lives and in the world. And yesss….since January, we have seen this happen!
Both planets are in the sign of Capricorn, which is associated with the governments, and their institutions, political boundaries, financial economics, corporations. Looks like the fundaments of patriarchal systems are in for a shocking change.
On a personal level: taking responsibility and convert your weakness into your strength is advised. See advantage in little things, which will strengthen you mentally to face the hard times during this constellation.
April 4, June 30 and November 12, 2020
Jupiter (Justice, Law, Amplification) – Pluto (Transformation) come together in Capricorn: this happens every 13 years in a different sign and is a marker for cultural change. It’s a period to work for the greater good. The Universe is pushing us to evolve, and the effect is amplified!
Huge opportunities for justice to meet power, and people who abused their power will have to face the consequences. And people without power could come together, and become more powerful, as their numbers grow. At this very moment, we see this happening in several places: Hong Kong, ‘Black lives Matter’, the #metoo movement, etc.
On a personal level, you might see changes in your own beliefs and ethics,
December 21, 2020
The longest night of the year, when Mother Earth moves from the yin energy into yang energy, Jupiter and Saturn at peak power, meet in Aquarius. This constellation shows us the way, after the reconstruction and expansion that we experienced in 2020, by the planets.
It is to be expected, that we will encounter a way forward, a path to take, by the great constellations of 2020: a new beginning for all of us and a turning point in history. We are shown a way to bring our unique ideas together for the community, build teams and create change. And we will all be asked during this influence to redefine our beliefs and thought-patterns.
On a personal level: check the area’s in your chart that are ruled by Capricorn and this tells you, in where you personally will be affected: look at the sign Capricorn, its ruler Saturn/Uranus and the houses where they reside. You can use www.astro.com for your personal chart.
The ‘new’ Age of Aquarius
Astrologically, the Age of Aquarius will be dominated by networks and information: opening the world to equality (nothing is secret anymore) and represents cooperation, humanitarianism and peace. A fundamental shift is announced in the consciousness of humankind. Spirituality, meaning shifting from duality and self-centred thinking towards a humanitarian way, that considers oneness of all beings.
The focus will no longer be on your identity or existence, but on accepting yourself as a whole person. You do not need to attach to something outside yourself. You have all the personality, power and energy within you!
There is also a shadow side to Aquarius, who is traditionally ruled by the planet Saturn (the night ruler), and according to modern astrologers by Uranus (the day ruler). It can be rebellious, non-committal, aloof, impulsive, detached or restless. Projects are started with compassion, but not always finished.
On a personal level: accept that you have the knowledge and wisdom within yourself. You just have to connect to it by meditation, self-improvement, self-awareness, natural healing and foods: you will become your own personality and it’s your responsibility to stay on track and to keep yourself moving forward. No one else can do that for you.
Something new will unfold soon, be well prepared!
As we have seen in 2020, this huge transformation process that we are going through, is never painless. When you cleanse and purify your body, you will feel worse before getting better and more energized.
Everybody is going through this shift in their own and personal way, which will in the end, be a radical change. If we understand the process of change and stay flexible and positive, we can go through it without losing balance and stability.
Wishing you heaps of Qi,
Research credit: the world wide web!